Roast Potatoes (6)


  • Maris Piper or some other large potato
  • Turmeric
  • Olive oil/duck fat
  • Rosemary/Thyme/Paprika


  1. Peel and cut so that the pieces have fairly long edges (these will brown the most)
  2. Wash the potatoes for a minute to get rid of some of the starch
  3. Boil in salted (+ optionally Turmeric) water for ~15 minutes until just before the potatoes begin to fall apart
  4. Whilst the potatoes are boiling, add olive oil to a baking tray and stick it in an oven at 190oC
  5. Drain the potatoes, and let them cool slightly in the sieve
  6. Add into the baking tray and with a couple of large spoons rotate them so that they’re coated in the olive oil.
  7. Roast in the oven at 190oC for about an hour, turning them over every 20 minutes. Lightly seasoning with salt after every turn
  8. 10 minutes before they’re done add rosemary/thyme/paprika